Friday, October 5, 2007

Learning 2.0 My Thoughts

Well i have to say that i can see the benefits of learning all the things that we have learnt and the gadgets that we have played around with but i still cant grasp the idea that its the next big thing to come around where libraries are involved...i can see the benefits of us learning this technology and how it can be used to offer different services to patrons, like have a library blog to let patrons know what they should be reading now and so on, whether or not i will get a patron coming to ask me about helping them with setting up a blog or wiki i don't know, maybe they will maybe they wont...overall libraries moving into the web 2.0 era is inevidentable and is something that in time will be all over the place...all of the modules that we cover will benefit one person in one way...How? i dont know the answer to that right now but with a big push for librarians and library staff to understand and participate in the learning 2.0 training im sure we will know soon enough...this training has been fun and something that i have enjoyed and grateful that i know how to use these tools now, but personally its not something that i myself will be sitting down to use all the time, i find myself still living a bit in the old ages and have issues with privacy and putting to much of myself on the internet for people to read, i even find it hard to open up with people right in front of me, so for now i will not venture to much into the realm of learning 2.0 and our web based learning tools but i am happy that i achieved so much so far and will continue until the end

1 comment:

Zoya said...

I agree that we don't know where this will lead to in the future and it does take a bit of time to organise and update things. i do like the idea of a library blog maybe YOU can create one and add a link on our libraries website. ha Ha more work for you! But it's also fun work. I bet you never imagined when you were doing your course that it would lead to this.

