Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 3 Flickr - Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven Beach, originally uploaded by Vandelizer.

Well i have been exploring Flickr and have manged to join up and add photos of my own to it of when i went to Hamilton Island and the soccer, some parts were a bit tricky to do but i kept at it and figured it out. I will be bringing more photos along and i have also added sets to my photos and tags, concepts which i found very hard to clasp at the beginning but i am slowing making progress.

Anyway i thought for my post i will add a picture of my favorite beach in the world which is Whitehaven beach. When i went to Hamilton Island the first time i was fortunate enough to visit, it is remarkable with it's endless white sand and beautiful clear water. I was amazed as when i got there with the ferry we were unable to dock on the sand as it is protected. We had to catch a little dinghy across and on our way back we were hosed down so we didn't bring any sand back with us. Very wierd experience but one i would do again given the chance.

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